We review systems and designs prior to construction to identify problems in design, drawing errors, and reference errors so corrections can be made while errors are the least expensive.

  • We review civil/structural designs by others and make calculations to determine if their designs meet AISC, ACI, and ASCE codes. We determine if steel is structurally acceptable for loads from piping supports and restraints, equipment, and occasional loads.

  • We review piping designs by others and make calculations to determine if their designs meet ASME B31.1 or B31.3 code rules, and determine if piping loads on connected equipment and vessels are below their respective allowables.

  • We review maintenance plans and make changes to improve the life, functionality, and upkeep of systems. Examples of maintenance plans includes bolting procedures, ASME Section VIII, Division 2 repair plans, shut down/startup procedures, spring support surveys, and many more.

  • We review pressure vessel, tank, and heat exchanger designs for new construction, alterations, and repairs by others and make calculations to determine if their designs meet ASME Section I, Section VIII, Division 1, Section VIII, Division 2 , API, and NBIC codes. If any components do not meet design conditions, we provide general recommendations to meet code requirements.