Inspections can be a great way to prevent leaks, damage to equipment, and unscheduled shut downs.

Pipe Support Inspection and Spring Support Survey

  • We field review the following support types:

    -Pipe Shoe

    -Pipe Guides

    -Axial Stop (Directional Anchor)

    -Rod Hanger

    -Riser Clamp

    -Strut Rod

    -Hydraulic Snubber


    -Dummy Leg / Trunnion

    -Low Friction Slider

    -Variable Spring

    -Constant Spring

  • -Piping and equipment problems can stem from simple support issues

    -Inspections are great preventative maintenance to protect equipment

    -Common piping alterations (upgraded flanges, routing changes, etc.) can greatly affect spring loads

  • -Spreadsheet containing support data, location, condition, & recommendation

    -We review the pipe supports and restraints on each line and compare them to the design drawings

  • -Detailed report with a survey data sheet for each pipe support and restraint.

    -Level 2 contains all support information included in the basic inspection along with:

    • List of reference drawings

    • Written instructions for repair recommendations

    • Pictures of supports in the field

We make site visits to verify pipe supports are in the correct location, the correct support is installed, and supports are in good working condition

Expansion joints are used to add flexibility to a piping system. Expansion joints are predominantly used to provide lateral flexibility. Unfortunately, they are often used in the wrong application and develop a bad reputation. A correctly designed expansion joint will typically outlast the piping system.

Expansion Joint Inspection

  • -Expansion joints are used to add flexibility to a piping system

    -Expansion joints are a great way to protect equipment (pumps, compressors, turbines, etc.) from high piping loads

    -Expansion joints can be used in locations where piping loops cannot

  • -Expansion joint bellows squirm

    -Overloaded equipment

    -Cracked expansion joints

    -Vibrating expansion joint bellows

    -Collapsed expansion joint bellows

    -Unloaded tie-rods

  • -Incorrectly used for axial flexibility

    -Tie-rod length altered from the factory setting

    -Shipping bars left in place during operation

    -Installed in the wrong flow direction

    -Insulating tie-rods and/or bellows

Field Engineering Services

We will make site visits to review existing systems and installation of new systems and equipment.

  • We field review systems for the following:

    -Verify routing matches design drawings

    -Supports and restraints match design details and are in good working condition

    -Lines are adequately supported and restrained

    -Support structures and foundations are adequately sized and in good working condition

    -Review flange alignment